如今,软件通常会作为一种服务来交付,它们被称为网络应用程序,或软件即服务(SaaS)。12-Factor 为构建如下的 SaaS 应用提供了方法论:
- 使用标准化流程自动配置,从而使新的开发者花费最少的学习成本加入这个项目。
- 和操作系统之间尽可能的划清界限,在各个系统中提供最大的可移植性。
- 适合部署在现代的云计算平台,从而在服务器和系统管理方面节省资源。
- 将开发环境和生产环境的差异降至最低,并使用持续交付实施敏捷开发。
- 可以在工具、架构和开发流程不发生明显变化的前提下实现扩展。
这套方法论由Heroku的联合创始人Adam Wiggins发掘,应用到了数以百计的应用程序的开发和部署,并通过 Heroku 平台间接见证了数十万应用程序的开发,运作以及扩展的过程。
The Twelve-Factor App
系列文章,综合了Hero库关于 SaaS 应用几乎所有的经验和智慧,是开发此类应用的理想实践标准,并特别关注于应用程序如何保持良性成长,开发者之间如何进行有效的代码协作,以及如何 避免软件污染 。
II. Dependencies
Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
Most programming languages offer a packaging system for distributing support libraries, such as CPAN for Perl or Rubygems for Ruby. Libraries installed through a packaging system can be installed system-wide (known as “site packages”) or scoped into the directory containing the app (known as “vendoring” or “bundling”).
A twelve-factor app never relies on implicit existence of system-wide packages. It declares all dependencies, completely and exactly, via a dependency declaration manifest. Furthermore, it uses a dependency isolation tool during execution to ensure that no implicit dependencies “leak in” from the surrounding system. The full and explicit dependency specification is applied uniformly to both production and development.
For example, Bundler for Ruby offers the Gemfile manifest format for dependency declaration and bundle exec for dependency isolation. In Python there are two separate tools for these steps – Pip is used for declaration and Virtualenv for isolation. Even C has Autoconf for dependency declaration, and static linking can provide dependency isolation. No matter what the toolchain, dependency declaration and isolation must always be used together – only one or the other is not sufficient to satisfy twelve-factor.
One benefit of explicit dependency declaration is that it simplifies setup for developers new to the app. The new developer can check out the app’s codebase onto their development machine, requiring only the language runtime and dependency manager installed as prerequisites. They will be able to set up everything needed to run the app’s code with a deterministic build command. For example, the build command for Ruby/Bundler is bundle install, while for Clojure/Leiningen it is lein deps.
Twelve-factor apps also do not rely on the implicit existence of any system tools. Examples include shelling out to ImageMagick or curl. While these tools may exist on many or even most systems, there is no guarantee that they will exist on all systems where the app may run in the future, or whether the version found on a future system will be compatible with the app. If the app needs to shell out to a system tool, that tool should be vendored into the app.
II. 依赖
显式声明依赖关系( dependency )
大多数编程语言都会提供一个打包系统,用来为各个类库提供打包服务,就像 Perl 的 CPAN 或是 Ruby 的 Rubygems 。通过打包系统安装的类库可以是系统级的(称之为 “site packages”),或仅供某个应用程序使用,部署在相应的目录中(称之为 “vendoring” 或 “bunding”)。
12-Factor规则下的应用程序不会隐式依赖系统级的类库。 它一定通过 依赖清单 ,确切地声明所有依赖项。此外,在运行过程中通过 依赖隔离 工具来确保程序不会调用系统中存在但清单中未声明的依赖项。这一做法会统一应用到生产和开发环境。
例如, Ruby 的 Bundler 使用 Gemfile 作为依赖项声明清单,使用 bundle exec 来进行依赖隔离。Python 中则可分别使用两种工具 – Pip 用作依赖声明, Virtualenv 用作依赖隔离。甚至 C 语言也有类似工具, Autoconf 用作依赖声明,静态链接库用作依赖隔离。无论用什么工具,依赖声明和依赖隔离必须一起使用,否则无法满足 12-Factor 规范。
显式声明依赖的优点之一是为新进开发者简化了环境配置流程。新进开发者可以检出应用程序的基准代码,安装编程语言环境和它对应的依赖管理工具,只需通过一个 构建命令 来安装所有的依赖项,即可开始工作。例如,Ruby/Bundler 下使用 bundle install,而 Clojure/Leiningen 则是 lein deps。
12-Factor 应用同样不会隐式依赖某些系统工具,如 ImageMagick 或是curl。即使这些工具存在于几乎所有系统,但终究无法保证所有未来的系统都能支持应用顺利运行,或是能够和应用兼容。如果应用必须使用到某些系统工具,那么这些工具应该被包含在应用之中。